06/06/2024 06/06/2024 “To reap the spiritual fruits of tomorrow, we must sow the seeds of Christ’s teachings in the souls of the little ones today. We must offer children the spiritual nourishment they need as much as they need air to raise a healthy generation in the spirit of Christian teachings,” Metropolitan Petru of Bessarabia highlighted. In...
06 Ιουνίου, 2024 - 15:40

Metropolitan of Bessarabia: We must give children the spiritual nourishment they need like air

Metropolitan of Bessarabia: We must give children the spiritual nourishment they need like air

“To reap the spiritual fruits of tomorrow, we must sow the seeds of Christ’s teachings in the souls of the little ones today. We must offer children the spiritual nourishment they need as much as they need air to raise a healthy generation in the spirit of Christian teachings,” Metropolitan Petru of Bessarabia highlighted.

In a message for Children’s Day (June 1) and Parents’ and Children’s Sunday (June 2), His Eminence Metropolitan Petru urged parents and grandparents to offer children “more love and comfort, to spend more time with them, to help them distinguish between good and evil, between light and darkness, and to cherish the spirituality and traditions of the Romanian people.”

His Eminence prayed to the risen Lord Jesus Christ “to enlighten and fill with peace and joy the souls of parents, children, young people, and all those who help them be a blessing for the Romanian people!”

Let us heed the words of our Savior Jesus Christ: “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14).

“This exhortation shows us that the Christian education of children and young people becomes a sacred duty for the Family, School, and Church,” the hierarch further noted.

In 2009, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church established that the first Sunday in June would be dedicated in the Romanian Patriarchate to all mothers, fathers, and their children raised and educated in the light of faith in God.

Photography courtesy of the Metropolis of Bessarabia


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