03/10/2019 03/10/2019 On September 27, 2019, Metropolitan Feofan of Kazan and Tatarstan met with a Chinese official delegation led by Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Mr. Li Zhanshu. It is the first official visit to be made by a Chinese politician to Russia as head of the Chinese parliament. The aim of...
03 Οκτωβρίου, 2019 - 14:39

Head of the Metropolis of Tatarstan meets with Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People’s Congress

Head of the Metropolis of Tatarstan meets with Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People’s Congress

On September 27, 2019, Metropolitan Feofan of Kazan and Tatarstan met with a Chinese official delegation led by Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Mr. Li Zhanshu.
It is the first official visit to be made by a Chinese politician to Russia as head of the Chinese parliament. The aim of the delegation’s visit to Tatarstan is to strengthen interregional cooperation of the two states and to broaden their inter-parliamentary relations.

The day before, Mr. Li Zhanshu had an opportunity to meet with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Chairperson of the Council of the Federation Ms. Valentina Matvienko, and Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin.

As part of their working trip to Tatarstan, the guests visited the Kazan Helicopters production company and Kazan Federal University. A tour was organized for them in Kazan Kremlin to see the Kul Sharif Mosque and the Cathedral of the Annunciation.

The guests were welcomed by the head of the Metropolitan of Tatarstan who took them on a detailed tour of the cathedral telling them about the history of the cathedral and its shrines. He said in particular that the church was built by the same masters who had built the St. Basil Cathedral in Moscow.

Speaking about the experience of cooperation between Orthodoxy and Islam in the Republic of Tatarstan, Metropolitan Feofan stated that ‘it is another testimony to how the two cultures and religions can live in peace and accord so much lacking for in modern society’.

Mr. Li Zhanshu thanked the head of the Metropolis of Tatarstan and pointed to the significant role played by Orthodoxy in the development of relations between Russia and China. ‘We respect Orthodoxy in Russia. In China, we carefully preserve Orthodox churches. I know that the Russian side gives great importance to their preservation’, he said. He also pointed to the importance of developing relations between Russia and China in various spheres.

In conclusion of the meeting, His Eminence Feofan presented Mr. Li Zhanshu with a souvenir picture of the Cathedral of the Annunciation.

Kazan Diocesan Press Service


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