20/12/2019 20/12/2019 The Patriarch of All Romania, His Beatitude Daniel, this week received the US ambassador to the Romania, Adrian Zuckerman, at the Patriarchal seat in Bucharest. Amb. Zuckerman referred to a great honor, on his part, to serve as the US envoy to Romania, the country of his birth. He also expressed a desire to cultivate...
20 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019 - 15:24

Patriarch of All Romania receives US ambassador in Bucharest

Patriarch of All Romania receives US ambassador in Bucharest

The Patriarch of All Romania, His Beatitude Daniel, this week received the US ambassador to the Romania, Adrian Zuckerman, at the Patriarchal seat in Bucharest.

Amb. Zuckerman referred to a great honor, on his part, to serve as the US envoy to Romania, the country of his birth. He also expressed a desire to cultivate close relations with the Romanian Church, lauding the social, charitable and cultural role exercised by the Orthodox Church in Romanian society.

Finally, Amb. Zuckerman expressed a hope that ongoing efforts will produce results in Romania to reduce the phenomena of emigration, corruption and a high secondary school dropout rate in the southeast European country.


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