10/01/2021 10/01/2021 Inspired by the words of St Basil the Great, Romanian Bishop of Canada Ioan Casian invites us at the beginning of the year ‘to have the right compass and the true inspiration in decision-making as we confess through the word that we are Christians.’ “ Let the foundation of all our words and deeds be the...
10 Ιανουαρίου, 2021 - 16:13

Romanian Bishop of Canada’s advice for 2021: Let the foundation of all our words and deeds be the word of God

Romanian Bishop of Canada’s advice for 2021: Let the foundation of all our words and deeds be the word of God

Inspired by the words of St Basil the Great, Romanian Bishop of Canada Ioan Casian invites us at the beginning of the year ‘to have the right compass and the true inspiration in decision-making as we confess through the word that we are Christians.’

“ Let the foundation of all our words and deeds be the word of God as it was at the creation of the world. This word is the medicine that cures disease and leads us to the path of eternity and holiness,” Bishop Ioan Casian urged in a pastoral message published on the diocese’s website.

Our time here is a space of striving for our salvation. Although short, it is of inestimable value because, depending on its quality, we receive eternal life. Let us abide in the sanctuary and in the work of God as Jesus by word and deed. Only in this way can we always hear the two commandments that summarize the Law and the prophets and without which there can be no Christian life: “‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12: 30-31).

His Grace reminds that 2021 is a Solemn Year of the pastoral care of Romanians outside Romania and a Commemorative Year of the reposed in the Lord.

It is important to think about how we can continue, preach, transmit and strengthen the Christian-Orthodox faith wherever we are. The Church as a whole – clergy and faithful – are called to this work with time and without time. Let us also think of those who have trespassed and who have entrusted to us their accomplishments in order to carry them forward. It is a responsibility we have as a generation of the present.

The Romanian Bishop of Canada noted that the year 2020 was an unexpected one in terms of evolution, full of surprises and unpredictable.”

“It has brought and still brings suffering, insecurity even now. It can seem confusing and disconcerting.”

“The beginning of a civil year, like any beginning, is a time of reflection, of hope for the future, of decision and of the will to fulfill as much as possible what we set out to do. It comes after a natural conclusion of the accomplishments or failures of the past year.”


Photography courtesy of Basilica.ro / Files


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