While we’re in church, our behavior should be appropriate, befitting those who are standing before God. We shouldn’t get involved in pointless discussions, but should rather stand with fear and trembling, with attention and readiness, with our gaze trained on the earth and our soul raised to the heavens. Saint John Chrysostom
17 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021 - 19:52
With attention and readiness
While we’re in church, our behavior should be appropriate, befitting those who are standing before God. We shouldn’t get involved in pointless discussions, but should rather stand with fear and trembling, with attention and readiness, with our gaze trained on the earth and our soul raised to the heavens.
Saint John Chrysostom
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Ι.Μ. Διδυμοτείχου, Ορεστιάδος και Σουφλίου
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