01/02/2022 01/02/2022 On Monday, January 31, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia and Prime Minister of Greece Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, had a meeting at the Megaro Maximou (Maximos Mansion) in Athens. The meeting took place in a cordial atmosphere and during it issues of common interest were discussed, focusing on the needs of the Hellenism of Australia....
01 Φεβρουαρίου, 2022 - 13:19

Archbishop Makarios of Australia meets with Prime Minister of Greece

Archbishop Makarios of Australia meets with Prime Minister of Greece

On Monday, January 31, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia and Prime Minister of Greece Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, had a meeting at the Megaro Maximou (Maximos Mansion) in Athens.

The meeting took place in a cordial atmosphere and during it issues of common interest were discussed, focusing on the needs of the Hellenism of Australia.

His Eminence Archbishop Makarios informed Mr. Mitsotakis about the work being implemented in the Antipodes by the Greek Orthodox Church, at the core of whose actions is the preservation and strengthening of the ties of the Greek Diaspora with the motherland.

The Prime Minister of Greece addressed warm words to the Archbishop of Australia, reiterating his support for the exceptional, as he characterized it, work he is performing.

The two sides agreed on the need to maintain their close communication and cooperation, for the good of the Hellenism of the fifth continent.


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