04 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

2nd Annual Educational Conference – Teaching the Greek Language in the Unites States during the 21st Century




In light of on-going developments with COVID-19 and after thoughtful discussions The High Council on Greek Education along with the Director of Education Mr. Anastasios Koularmanis have decided to move the 2nd Annual Educational Conference to a fully online, virtual experience that will take place on, Saturday, November 7th. We believe this is the safest approach for the well-being of our audience and we are excited that a virtual event makes it possible to broaden the learning opportunities and engagement with our educators at this time.

The conference will explore various educational topics surrounding the teaching of the Greek language abroad. The program includes 15 webinars that will be delivered throughout the day. Those attending will have the opportunity to choose which workshops they wish to follow.

All those interesting in attending will find detailed information about the conference at https://www.goarch.org/2nd-conference.

In addition, all those planning to attend must register at http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-5674182/form

