17 Ιανουαρίου, 2021

A Serbian Orthodox Church cleric defended postdoctoral project at the School of Theology in Thessaloniki


Deacon Dr. Aleksandar Prascevic defended his postdoctoral project on “The Contribution of the Serbian Orthodox Church to the Dialogue with Muslims (1920-2020)” at the School of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, under scientific supervision of professor Dr. Angeliki Ziaka.

The event took place on January 14, 2021. This postdoctoral thesis in Greece is a continuation of Prascevic’s committed study of the historical development of relations between Orthodox Christians and Muslims in the Balkans, which he began with a doctorate in Russia, then continued with another doctorate in Canada, a postdoctoral project in Switzerland and another postdoctoral project in Russia.

In her address to professors and students, Dr. Angeliki Ziaka emphasized that the scientific work of Deacon Dr. Aleksandar Prascevic is a result of a great work that he invested in research and study of historical sources on the basis of which he wrote seven scientific monographs with reviews and recommendations of prominent scholars in interfaith relations. Prof. Ziaka expressed satisfaction that four monographs have already been published in Serbian and English, and she expects that they will be translated into Greek and other languages ​​because of their importance for a further development of a very important dialogue between Christians and Muslims in the Balkans.

As an expert in the modern history of the Balkan’s nations, the writer of these lines had an opportunity to emphasize the importance of Prascevic’s scientific work not only for the history of the Serbian Orthodox Church but for the history of interfaith relations in the Balkans as well.

On his own behalf Deacon Dr. Aleksandar Prascevic gave a successful presentation exposing to the present professors and students the importance, issues, methodology, theoretical framework, content, key results and conclusions of his scientific work. The present academic audience had an opportunity to get involved into an interesting discussion.


Dr. Athanasius Athanasiades
Faculty of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hellenic Republic


