14 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines: ACOY Great Vespers for St John Chrysostom


On the evening of the 12th of November 2020, ACOY (the ‘Antiochian Christian Orthodox Youth’) of NSW hosted a Great Vespers Service with the ‘Blessing of the Loaves’, for their patron Saint, St John Chrysostom, at St Nicholas Punchbowl. The service was presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Basilios and in attendance were also a number of Clergy and Youth members from the various sister parishes within our Archdiocese.

At the end of the service, His Eminence Metropolitan Basilios presented a few key points about the life and teaching of St John Chrysostom; noting that he was a son of Antioch and later became Archbishop of Constantinople. He also discussed St John’s gift of preaching, which resulted in him being given the name Chrysostom, meaning “Golden-mouthed”, drawing a distinction between St John’s eloquence in preaching and his ability to keep his homilies understandable for his audience. For this reason, His Eminence encouraged the Youth to read his homilies and to become familiar with his writings, which, as he noted are more readily available now than ever, through books and the internet.

May this endeavour be fruitful, through the prayers of St John Chrysostom and all the Saints, Amen.

A Blessed Feast Day to all!



— antiochian.org.au
