28 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019

Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, NZ and the Philippines: Metropolitan Basilios Celebrates the Nativity of Christ


On the 24th of December, His Eminence Metropolitan Basilios presided over Matins and the Divine Liturgy to celebrate the feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ at St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of the Dormition, Mt. Pritchard. Assisting His Eminence in the service were parish priest, the Rev. Fr. Isaac Zghaib and Dn. Theophan Nahas.

Throughout the Liturgy, His Eminence prayed for all those who are suffering around the world, imploring the newborn Lord to grant them His divine peace. In particular, His Eminence prayed for Australia and all those affected by the devastating bushfires and droughts. He also highlighted the Archdiocese Christmas appeal, encouraging the faithful to give generously in the spirit of Christian altruism.

During the sermon, His Eminence emphasised the true meaning of the Nativity as the “Mystery of the Divine Incarnation”. His Eminence offered an insightful perspective on the tradition of giving gifts, recalling that it is God Who took the initiative and granted us the first and greatest gift with the incarnation of His only begotten Son. He also highlighted how God continues to grant us the gifts of His pure Body and precious Blood through the Divine Mysteries of the Church.

At the end of the Liturgy, His Eminence blessed two new icons of Christ and the Theotokos which will be installed in the narthex of the church.

The parish faithful then received His Eminence in the church hall where they shared an agape meal to mark the end of the Nativity Fast.

Merry Christmas to all. Christ is born! Glorify Him!


— Source: antiochian.org.au
