26 Απριλίου, 2024

ANZAC Day commemorations at the Phaleron War Cemetery


ANZAC Day, a national day of commemoration of Australia and New Zealand, was also celebrated in Athens, at the Phaleron Allie Military Cemetery.

In this Cemetery rest hundreds of Australian and New Zealand soldiers, members of the ANZAC Corps, who fell heroically during the Second World War in the Greek territory.

The memorial service, on Thursday, April 25, was organised by the Australian Embassy in Greece and Ambassador Her Excellency Ms. Alison Duncan.

The Greek government was represented by the Deputy Minister of National Defence of Greece, Mr. Yiannis Kefalogiannis, while in attendance, among others, were the Vice-Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff Vice-Admiral Mr. Christos Siasiakos of the Navy, as the Representative of the Greek Armed Forces, Ambassadors and representatives of foreign diplomatic missions, as well as the Honorary Consul of New Zealand in Greece, Ms. Ioanna Gouvatsou.

