22 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021



Two ice storms wreaked havoc on West Virginia earlier this month, hitting Wayne Country particularly hard. Holy Cross Monastery (Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia) in the town of Wayne, West Virginia, is making an appeal to the Orthodox faithful after suffering severe damage in the storms.

The monastery reported yesterday that it has been without power, phones, or internet for over a week, with temperatures well below freezing.

Thankfully, nobody was hurt during the storm.
The most serious damage was done to the church, where a large tree fell on the roof directly above the altar. The crack lines in the ceiling continue to expand outwards.
Another tree fell on the roof of the candle factory, and another completely crushed one of the monastery’s minivans. The large cross near the monastery entrance was also demolished by falling limbs.

The monastery also lost a number of generators that are used to heat the larger buildings. The brothers who don’t have cells in their stoves now gather around kerosene heaters in these buildings to sleep at night.

The initial estimate to repair the extensive damage to the monastery property is $30,000, though that number could rise as the damage is more accurately evaluated.

“Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated, and above all please pray that God will bring us through this difficult time safely! Thank you so for all of your concern, your prayers, and your love,” the brotherhood writes.

Donations can be offered via the monastery’s website or via PayPal.

