13 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

Archbishop Anastasios of Albania on his hospitalization: ‘Everything going well. Throughout our lives we refer to the God of surprises but also to God of miracles’


The Archbishop of Tirana, Durres and all Albania, His Beatitude Anastasios conveyed an optimistic message from the Intensive Care Unit of the Evangelismos Hospital , in central Athens, where he has been hospitalized since Wednesday after testing positive for the Covid-19 virus earlier in the week.

Anastasios emphasized that, “…everything is going well. Throughout our lives, we refer to the God of surprises but also to the God of miracles…Our journey in Albania began with the exhortation ‘God is with us’ and the chorus of ‘we are with him,’ which supported our certainty that ‘God will not leave us’.”

The Archbishop of Albania also sent his heartfelt thanks to health care professionals, as well as to those who “..once again expressed their love with spontaneous prayer.”

A medical bulletin issued by the hospital noted that the Archbishop has mild symptoms of the respiratory system and a low-grade fever. His condition is currently stable and under control.

After the Ecumenical Patriarch, messages of love and best wishes for a speedy recovery were issued by the Patriarch and Pope of Alexandria and All Africa, His Most Divine Beatitude Theodoros II, and the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, His Beatitude Ieronymos, among others.



Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou also spoke by phone with the Archbishop, with the former expressing her best wishes for his speedy recuperation and return to his flock.



The president of Albania, Ilir Meta, also issued his best wishes on his official social media accounts.

