16 Μαΐου, 2024

Archbishop Elpidophoros Remarks at the Hellenic College Holy Cross Alumni Dinner


His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros
Remarks at the Hellenic College Holy Cross Alumni Dinner
Celebrating the Classes of 1974, 1999, and 2014
May 15, 2024
Maliotis Cultural Center
Brookline, Massachusetts

Your Eminence and Your Graces,

President Demetrios Katos, and Presbyter Michael Gavrilos, President of the Alumni Association

Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers,

Distinguished Alumni,

Beloved in the Risen Christ,

Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη!

Christ is Risen!

We have come from the Great Vespers to assemble in this Agape Feast, honoring the persons and accomplishments of the Classes of 1974, 1999, and 2014. But when we single out any alumnus of our precious Σχολή, in truth, we honor all the ὁμογάλακτοι. For to be an alumnus of this School is to be a brother or sister to every other member of this sacred fraternity. It is a privilege and honor that can never be extinguished.

We congratulate all of the alumni for their contributions to our Church, and particularly to the mission of our Sacred Archdiocese of America. And in this regard, the person named Alumnus of the Year, Archon Kastrinsios Theo Nicolakis of the Class of 1996, those contributions to our Church in America and indeed our Ecumenical Patriarchate are too many to count.

You all know Theo, and many of you know his wonderful spouse Clio, and his daughters Euphemia and Kassiani. Theo has been the single most important factor in the technological advancements of the Archdiocese for the past thirty years. All of our Internet ministries have been developed with his leading guidance and vision. He has worked with incredible diligence and devotion to make technology work for the Church. His service to the Ecumenical Patriarchate – whether during Patriarchal Visits, or Environmental Symposia, or special events at the Phanar and Apostolic Visits of His All Holiness around the world – has been truly extraordinary.

Theo: you are an exemplary alumnus of our School, and you set a very high standard for service to the Church. I congratulate you and bless you and your family for your remarkable contributions and ministry.

I also want to thank and congratulate the Alumni Association, and its president, Presbyter Michael Gavrilos, for their diligent work to connect all the Alumni of our School, to build that community. I am encourage the Alumni Association to continue to build even stronger bonds of fellowship between all the graduates of our two Schools. There is strength in these numbers, a strength that this Institution needs.

When I come to this event every year, I always recall my first Alumni Dinner in 2004, when I was here teaching for a semester. It is always meaningful to witness the fellowship this Agape Meal engenders, and I cherish this time with all of you.

Therefore, my beloved alumni of our precious Σχολή, hold dear the fellowship that we share this evening. And let us promote it throughout the Archdiocese, so that the future generations of this Alma Mater will share in this same fraternity of love.

Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη!

