30 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

Archbishop Ieronymos exits hospital; issues powerful message: we will vanquish Covid with help of God and science


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The Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, His Beatitude Ieronymos, was released from an Athens hospital on Monday, more than a week after he was first hospitalized, as a precaution, due to testing positive for the Covid-19 virus.

His Beatitude will remain at Archdiocese’s clerical house, and under the observation of his attending physicians.

Upon arriving at the Archdiocese, the Primate of the Orthodox Church in Greece entered the chapel of St. Paul, where he lit a candle and osculated a Holy Icon of the Panaghia, the Virgin Mary.

“I am lighting a candle here, in the chapel of St. Paul, for all Greeks and all of our fellow man, who are giving their personal struggle at the moment against this dangerous and insidious enemy; an enemy which we will vanquish with the help of God and science,” the Archbishop said.
