19 Ιανουαρίου, 2020

Archbishop of America expresses concerns for Orthodox Church in Montenegro, in letter to US Sec’t of State Pompeo


The Archbishop of America, His Eminence Elpidophoros, has conveyed a letter to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo over the worrying situation faced by the Orthodox Church in Montenegro, in light of a controversial law passed this month by the government in the small Adriatic country.

The Orthodox Church in Montenegro, which is under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Patriarchate, has repeatedly warned that the new law aims to confiscate and give ownership to the state of much of its properties and relics.

The letter was published today on the official site of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral.

The Archbishop expresses his concern, as chairman of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches in the United States, over the situation in Montenegro, calling on Pompeo to show an interest in the issue. Elpidophoros refers to a violation of religious freedoms of the Orthodox faithful in the country.
