01 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of US reaffirms position against abortion

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States this week reaffirmed the sanctity of life, one based on the firm conviction that life begins at the moment of conception.

In an announcement, the hierarchs of the Assembly stated: “…All humans, whether in the womb or in the world, are made in the image and likeness of God, possessing God-given beauty and dignity. Therefore, we can never condone the willful and elective taking of a human life.”

The Assembly of Orthodox Bishops reminded that Christ is the only ruler of the world and judge of all. Therefore, rather than … condemn people who find they are contemplating abortion, Church fathers should minister and provide alternate options.

The statement added: “…Indeed, many times women feel trapped and even forced to make this heart-wrenching decision, due to financial hardship, family or communal rejection, or other difficult life circumstances. When the burden is too heavy, we, the Church, must be there to lift the burden and open the door to other, more perfect solutions. Otherwise, we too, are missing the mark.”

