09 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

Bishop Justin and Maxim celebrated in Saint Sava church in Kraljevo


On Sunday, February 7, 2021, the liturgical community gathered around our pastor, Bishop Justin of Zica had a great joy, when the liturgical celebration was enhanced by presence of His Grace Bishop Maxim (Vasiljevic) of Los Angeles and West America.

On this day, the Holy Church remembers the great benefactor of God, Saint Gregory the Theologian. On the day when it is said about his patrological work on clarifying the mysteries of God, Bishop Maksim delivered a concise and meaningful sermon as an expert in the science of the Holy Fathers. Guided by the reading of the Gospel, Bishop Maxim referred to timelessness in time, because the service of the Liturgy, the presence at it, represents a way out of a time where the multitude of counting clocks turns into one today and now.

Today’s liturgical gathering is led by the Holy Hierarch of the Church Gregory of Constantinople and the Theologian whom we celebrate. Today’s gospel refers to him as “a good shepherd who lays down his soul for his sheep.” The fact that every pastor is able to call and address everyone by name is a sign that the secret of the Holy Trinity relationship is reflected in our lives. It is the same call and voice that calls us from darkness to the light of existence.

St. Gregory was a teacher not only in words but also in his pastoral life example, overcoming the divisions that constantly occur among people and inviting them into the literal flock of the Lord. How much he loved his people is testified by the words he kept saying: “How much I longed for you.” Whenever he withdrew into prayer, because he was also an ascetic, at the same time he felt the desire to return among his believers. Here, such a shepherd, about whom today’s Gospel speaks, meets the believers. Such a living example, says Bishop Maxim, is also represented by our Bishop Justin of Zica, who with his testimony calls everyone to unity and to unity with God.

Concluding the sermon, as a concise lecture of the Holy Fathers, Bishop Maxim said that our habits, customs, everything that characterizes each individual, should be headed in one community where we will all help each other and sacrifice love and mutual respect and esteem. Summoning his flock, the shepherd portrays the mystery of which Christ says: “As the Father knows me, so I know my own.” And that secret, about which St. Gregory spoke and taught all believers to this day, is reflected in the Church of God.

