15 Οκτωβρίου, 2019

Celebrations marking 30th anniversary of glorification of Patriarch Tikhon take place at Saint Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral in New York


On 9th October 2019, commemoration day of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian and the 30th anniversary of glorification of St. Tikhon the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, clerics of Saint Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral in New York, USA, celebrated the Divine Liturgy. After the service Rev. Mark Rashkov delivered a sermon dedicated to the commemoration day of St. Tikhon – founder and builder of St. Nicholas Cathedral.

In the evening of the same day, with the blessing of the acting head of the Patriarchal parishes in the USA, Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, and with the support of the Russian American Cultural Heritage Center (RACH-C) and its President Olga Zatsepina, an official reception was held. Among those in attendance were representatives of various Christian confessions, non-governmental and cultural organizations of New York, and entrepreneurs.

Archpriest Alexander Golubov, a cleric of St. Nicholas Cathedral, told the guests about the history of the cathedral and its holy founders – St. Tikhon and Hieromartyr Alexander Hotovitzky. Rev. Mark Rashkov highlighted the present-day activities of the parish, including its social and educational projects.

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of St Tikhon’s glorification, jeweler and designer Alex Soldier made a relief depicting St. Nicholas Cathedral, which he presented as a gift for the successor of St. Tikhon at the Moscow Primatial Throne – His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

Performing at the reception were pianists Anna and Dmitri Shelest and singers Yekaterina and Alexander Chaplinsky, website of the Patriarchal parishes reports.
