13 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

Center for Family Care Launches Comfort Food for Families Advent Series


The Center for Family Care is pleased to announce the launching of Comfort Food for Families Advent Series, a weekly series that will be released on Mondays, beginning on November 9th and ending on December 28th.

Offered alternatively by the CFC staff members, each brief video message will highlight elements of the Nativity Fast to support families as they prepare to celebrate Christmas.

CFC Director, Father Alexander Goussetis, offers the first message here https://www.facebook.com/centerforfamilycare/videos/274291144016488.

All messages will be viewable at the CFC website: https://www.goarch.org/departments/family

Face Book page https://www.facebook.com/centerforfamilycare

and YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/GreekOrthodoxChurch

