22 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019

Christmas celebrations at Metamorphosis Day School and Kalanda at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada


On Wednesday, December 18th at 4:30 pm, at the Metropolitan Center of the Archdiocese, the Christmas holiday celebration of the Metamorphosis Day School was held. His Eminence Archbishop Sotirios, clergymen of the Archdiocese and many people were in attendance. The students presented a wonderful program with Christmas songs and carols in Greek, English and French. They presented skits dedicated to the meaning of Christmas. All the students of the school, from the youngest to the eldest participated. Accompanying the students were Ms. Saradidis the school principal, Ms. Grigoriadis the Music instructor of the school and many of the teachers.

The celebrations ended with a recital of the Christmas Kalanda of Epirus. The Archbishop expressed how happy and proud he felt for the progress and development of the school. He thanked the principal, the teachers, the parents and the students alike. He stressed the specific and very important role of peace which the new born Jesus brings and fills the hearts and souls of mankind, and the family and the church.
The following day on December 19th at 10 am the graduating class of students from the school visited the Archbishop at the offices of the Archdiocese, where they chanted Christmas carols. The Archbishop wished the students a Merry and Blessed Christmas and peace in the New Year. He also spoke of the beauty of the Christian faith and Christ’s message of love and peace for all mankind, including our enemies. Then, in accordance with the Christmas tradition he made a donation to the students, for their presentation. The students were offered treats and the Archbishop presented to each of them a little icon of the Birth of Christ. We must remember that Metamorphosis Day School when formed in 1996 had 16 children and today it has approximately 360 children enrolled in its classes.

Merry Christmas to all, and may the new year bring even more success to our School!


— Source: gometropolis.org
