03 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

Church of Greece unveils medal for bicentennial of Greek War of Independence – (VIDEO + PHOTOS)


Members of the permanent Holy Synod of the Church of Greece convened via the teleconference format on Wednesday, in the first of a two-day session this week, with various items on the agenda, including state measures imposed on public assembly due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

The Holy Synod later issued an encyclical clarifying the restrictions in place until Monday, February 8. Based on a previously issued joint ministerial decision in Greece, worshippers will be allowed to attend ecclesiastical services depending on the level in which the coronavirus’ concentration is measured in specific regions and municipalities.

A ceiling on the number of worshippers, depending on the size of a place of worship, is still applied, along with the mandatory wearing of face masks and social distancing within cathedrals.

Immediately afterwards, an official presentation was held to unveil a medal issued by Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Greece for the bicentennial of the Greek War of Independence.




















Photos: Christos Mponis – George Ferdis
