11 Ιανουαρίου, 2020

Day and Patron Saint-day of Republika Srpska


On the occasion of the Patron Saint-day and the Day of the Republica Srpska, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the Cathedral church of the Christ the Savior in Banja Luka.

The Patriarch was concelebrated by Their Graces Bishops Jefrem of Banja Luka, Fotije of Zvornik-Tuzla, Sergije of Bihac-Petrovac and Dimitrije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina, as well as by Arhimandrite Seraphim, protopresbyter-staurophor Ratko Radujkovic and Vojo Balaban, protosynchelos Platon, protodeacon Radojica Zagran and deacon Zoran Djuric.

His Grace Bishop Jefrem of Banja Luka delivered a welcome sermon.

For the glory and honour of Holy First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen, the Patron Saint-day of Republica Srpska, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch blessed and broke the slava cake along with the highest officials of the Republica Srpska.

The patriarchal Liturgy was attended by President of Republica Srpska Mrs. Zeljka Cvijanovic, Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Milorad Dodik, President of the Government of Republica Srpska Mr. Radovan Viskovic, envoy of President of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Nikola Selakovic, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Aleksandar Vulin.

The Cathedral church of Christ the Saviour was fulfilled with a great number of faithful who came along to prayerfully celebrate the feast day of Saint Archdeacon Stephen, the protector of Republica Srpska.


— Source: spc.rs
