16 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

East Sarajevo: The Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior is to be built


By the grace of God and thanks to pastoral care of His Eminence the Metropolitan Hrisostom of Dabar-Bosnia and good will of the local authorities of the municipality of East New Sarajevo, headed by the mayor Ljubisa Cosic, a new Cathedral Church dedicated to Christ the Savior will be built in East Sarajevo.

Realizing the needs of the faithful people living in the area of ​​the city of East Sarajevo – more precisely, of the municipalities of East New Sarajevo and East Ilidza, as well as observing the dynamics of development of these two municipalities, Metropolitan Chrysostom took the initiative to find a suitable location for the construction of the Cathedral. After a short period of time and a search for an appropriate solution, it was decided that the most suitable location for the construction of the church in the municipality of East Novo Sarajevo will be the plateau of the new Trg Srbija (space between the High School Center “June 28” and the newly built indore sports hall Serbia).

