14 Οκτωβρίου, 2019

Ecumenical Patriarch in Thessaloniki this week, in wake of Church of Greece decision regarding Ukrainian Church autocephaly


The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, His All Holiness Bartholomew I, will visit Greece this coming weekend, and specifically the northern city of Thessaloniki, upon the invitation of the city’s Metropolitan, His Eminence, Anthimos.

The visit comes in the wake of last weekend’s decision by the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Greece’s hierarchy to favor recognition of the autocephaly for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The Ecumenical Patriarch will officiate at a Patriarchal Divine Liturgy at the 5th century Byzantine-era Church of the Panaghia Acheiropoietos.

According to reports, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos may also co-officiate at the specific Divine Liturgy, allowing for the prospect of the first mention of His Beatitude Epifanios, the Primate of the Most Holy Church of Ukraine, in the religious service’s prayer, following the mention by the Archbishop of Prešov and Slovakia, Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, His Beatitude Rastislav.
