02 Φεβρουαρίου, 2022

Ecumenical Patriarch: Our Church prays for peace throughout universal Creation


Speaking from the northeast Aegean isle of Imvros this week, his birthplace, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I issued a message for the consolidation of peace in the world.
The Ecumenical Patriarch, stated, among others, that “…Our Church, our Holy See, the Phanar, wishes and prays for peace throughout the universal Creation… war never has any good results.”

On Monday afternoon, again from Imvros, His All Holiness officiated at the Vespers on the occasion of today’s great feast day of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. In a sermon, His All Holiness also referred to the contributions of national illuminator Bartholomew Koutloumousinos, a 18th century scholar and native of Imvros.
