04 Ιανουαρίου, 2021

Ecumenical Patriarchate’s 2021 yearbook dedicated to closed Halki School of Theology


This year marks the dour 50th anniversary of the closure of the Halki School of Theology, engineered by Turkish authorities in 1971 as part of an intolerant law against private education.

As a result, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople’s yearbook for 2021 is dedicated to the silenced seminary, the most important such institution of the venerable Church of Constantinople.



In a related development, the documentary “Halki: Between Two Worlds” was posted today on the online platform Pemptousia and the pages of the Orthodoxia News Agency.

The documentary is a production of Pemptousia and Skeptic Production, and focuses directly on the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s seminary – located on the eponymous and same-name Marmara Sea isle – as well as on the multifaceted activities of Brotherhood of the Holy Monastery of the Holy Trinity, which is also located on Halki.

Documentaries, features and news footage from the archives of the St. Maximus the Greek Institute are posted every day at 9 p.m. – Athens time.

The audiovisual material includes productions of the Institute, and will form the basis of the soon-to-debut Pemptousia WebTV channel.
