18 Ιανουαρίου, 2022

Feast day of Athanasios the Great and Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria


The Church today venerates Athanasios the Great and Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria. The Church celebrates the memory of these two Great ecclesiastical Fathers and Archbishops of Alexandria, as Athanasius the Great was a pioneer against the heresy of Arianism, and St. Cyril, a pioneer against Nestorianism.

A festal Vespers in memory of Athanasios the Great, Patriarch of Alexandria, was held at the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Panaghia Pantanassis, on the east Mediterranean island of Cyprus, with the Metropolitan of Limassol, His Grace Athanasios officiating, on the occasion of his name’s feast day.
In a brief sermon, His Grace told the gathered flock that amid the current tribulation faced by the world, it is important to pray for one another, and especially to pray together for delivery, by God, from the pandemic.

He noted, characteristically, “…the pandemic will end, love will remain”.

