03 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

Feast day of the Synaxis of Holy & Righteous Symeon


The Church today venerates the memory of the Synaxis of the Holy and Righteous Symeon, the God-Receiver, and the Holy Prophetess Anna.


Apolytikion of Symeon & Anna

First Tone

Hail Virgin Theotokos full of Grace, for Christ our God, the Sun of Righteousness, has dawned from you, granting light to those in darkness. And you, O Righteous Elder, rejoice, taking in your arms, the Deliverance of our souls, who grants us Resurrection.


Kontakion of Symeon & Anna

First Tone

Thou Who didst sanctify the Virgin’s womb by Thy birth, and didst bless Symeon’s hands as was meet, by anticipation has even now saved us, O Christ God. But grant peace in the midst of wars unto Thy commonwealth and strengthen the hierarchs whom Thou hast loved, O only Friend of man.
