08 Δεκεμβρίου, 2020

First pastoral visit of His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope to Darwin



The Greek Orthodox Parish-Community of North Australia had the honour to welcome and host His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope who visited the Orthodox faithful of Darwin for the celebrations of their patron, Saint Nicholas.

On Saturday the 5th of December, His Grace visited the Greek Orthodox School where he met the students and teachers of this hard working and model community. He then attended and blessed a luncheon provided by the Greek Orthodox Parish-Community.

In the evening, His Grace officiated at the Vespers and, on Sunday morning the 6th of December, officiated at the Matins Service and celebrated the Divine Liturgy in honour of the patron saint of the Parish-Community, Saint Nicholas.

Throughout every aspect of his visitation, His Grace was accompanied by the parish priest, the Very Reverend Archimandrite Fr Joel, who has been serving the Parish-Community for over twenty three years now, with humility, love, self-sacrifice and obedience. His Grace thanked him for his selfless and spiritually fruitful ministry.

After the Divine Liturgy, together with Father Joel and the Committee members, His Grace met the faithful in the Greek Parish-Community hall, where light refreshments were offered.

A meeting with the governing body of the Parish-Community followed where His Grace was able to admire in an intimate way the noble stewardship of the President Mr Nicholas Poniris and his exemplary co-workers.

Throughout the auspicious liturgical celebrations and the heartfelt community events, His Grace conveyed to the faithful the blessings and wishes of our Archbishop, His Eminence Makarios of Australia. All received these prayerful blessings with profound gratitude and deepest respects. Sentiments that decorate the pious faithful of the Greek Orthodox Parish-Community of St Nicholas, Darwin, with the innate love of God that adorns them.

This very first Pastoral visit in Darwin of His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope left behind lasting impressions, all for the glory of God and the edification of the faithful.
