20/12/2019 20/12/2019 The Resurrection of Christ is the most significant event to take place in History. It is the event that differentiates Christianity from every other religion. Other religions have mortal leaders, whereas the Head of the Church is the Resurrected Christ. “Resurrection of Christ” implies the deification and the resurrection of human nature, and the hope...
20 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019 - 10:56
Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 20/12/2019 - 10:58

Fr. George Metallinos has reposed …in this world – small photo journal

Fr. George Metallinos has reposed …in this world – small photo journal

The Resurrection of Christ is the most significant event to take place in History. It is the event that differentiates Christianity from every other religion. Other religions have mortal leaders, whereas the Head of the Church is the Resurrected Christ. “Resurrection of Christ” implies the deification and the resurrection of human nature, and the hope for deification and resurrection of our own hypostasis. Since the medicine has been discovered, there is hope for life.

Through Christ’s Resurrection, both life and death take on a new meaning. “Life” now means communion with God; “Death” is no longer the end of this present lifetime, but the distancing of Man from Christ. The separation of the soul from the mortal body is no longer seen as “death”; it is only a temporary slumber.

That’s why Orthodoxy does not wish to be a religious community for charitable services, nor a human organization which strives only for peace on earth and coexistence among nations. Orthodoxy wishes to be, above all, Body of Christ, a salvation laboratory for healing human existence, which is basic prerequisite for man’s formation at the limits of authentic communion with God and the world.

Based on Protopresbyter (Archpriest) Fr. George Metallinos, a well-known theologian, author and professor which has reposed in 19/12/2019.

These photos depict candid moments from his visits at Vatopedi monastery, Mount Athos


— Source: asceticexperience.com

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