22 Δεκεμβρίου, 2020

“God Is With Us” Archdiocesan Virtual Concert available NOW on-demand


For viewing anytime through midnight on 12/26, visit www.archcathedralchoir.com

Due to the pandemic, this year the Archdiocesan Christmas Concert is presented ONLINE, in a virtual format for viewing within the comfort of your own home.

This concert features a collaboration of several small choral groups filmed at churches within the Archdiocesan District, including Saints Catherine & George Greek Orthodox Church, St. Barbara, Saints Constantine & Helen, St. Gerasimos, and the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Manhattan. In addition, after a successful debut of combined nationwide efforts to bring holy music into your homes this past Easter (National Virtual Choir Sings Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ is Risen! ( https://youtu.be/6dnrEMVk5Xw ) –submissions were sent once again from all corners of this country for “Christ is Born; Glorify Him!”, a virtual choir selection with combined voices that allowed us to gather as a community with Christ through music to offer each other and our families solace during these difficult and trying times.

This nationwide effort calls us to focus our attention where it needs to be this Christmas: with friends, family, and Christ. We ask that you join us at the most convenient time for you from now through December 26.

Tickets are available at www.archcathedralchoir.com, and access instructions will be provided via email. Our hope is that together you will watch our beautiful concert and allow us to join you in Praise of our Savior with the holy, joyful, and magical music of the Christmas season.

May God Be With Us!

With Warmest Wishes,

Costas Tsourakis, Music Director, “God is With Us” Archdiocesan Virtual Christmas Concert

Associate Music Director, Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity


