13 Ιανουαρίου, 2020

Great Blessing of the Waters in Sydney



The annual Great Blessing of the Waters service again took place in Sydney, Australia this month, with the Archbishop of Australia, His Eminence Makarios, officiating at the coastal Yarra Bay site, on the occasion of the Epiphany.
The ceremony marked the 28th consecutive Great Blessing of the Waters in Sydney, with congregants from all of the Sydney area’s Greek Orthodox parishes in attendance.

The service took place as wildfires continued to ravage southeast Australia.

A live concert of Greek music, traditional dance troupes and a food fair followed the dive for the Cross in Yarra Bay, with thousands of parishioners and visitors attending the festivities.

In a much-welcomed sign, rain fell during the event, a development that did not dampen spirits, but instead offered hope for relief from the dozens of wildfires that fire-fighters are struggling to extinguish on the island continent.
