22 Ιανουαρίου, 2021

Greek govt expected to extend pandemic restictions on places of worship


The Greek government will, by all accounts, extend pandemic-related restrictions affecting places of worship in the country for another week.

The current framework for public assembly restrictions, and other public health precautions to prevent exposure to the Covid-19, virus expires on Monday, Jan. 25.

Currently, the presence of worshippers during Church services is allowed, but with a ceiling on the number of people allowed inside places of worship, based on a building’s size, along with the mandatory wearing of face masks.

The same restrictions are imposed for the holding of sacraments, such as marriage and baptisms


Greek leadership congratulates US Sen. Bob Menendez

Still in the country, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Thursday referred to an interesting and productive conversation he had with US Senator Bob Menendez, who will assume the post of chairman of the powerful US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

In a Tweet on his official account, Mitsotakis said he congratulated Menendez and is looking forward to pursuing common goals of peace and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean and the wider region.




In a post on Twitter, the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs also congratulated the New Jersey Democrat, referring to “a distinguished Senator & a long-standing friend of Greece.”

Sen. Menendez, among others, sharply criticized the shocking decision by the Erdogan regime last July to reconvert the iconic Hagia Sophia into a mosque.
