07 Δεκεμβρίου, 2020

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia – A new chapter for Orthodoxy in the Australian Capital Territory


Within an atmosphere of spiritual joy and emotion, the celebrating parish of St Nicholas in Canberra revealed a new chapter for the Greek Orthodox Church in the Australian Capital Territory.
In front of a large congregation, which reserved a warm welcome for Archbishop Makarios of Australia, His Eminence announced the establishment of a new Archdiocesan District in the nation’s capital as well as the assignment of the duties of Archiepiscopal District to the Very Reverend Archimandrite Prochoros Anastasiadis.
After an illustrious ministry in the Holy Archdiocese, Fr Prochoros is called to assume the high responsibilities that the office of the Archdiocesan District entails without, for the moment, letting go of his responsibilities in Liverpool. His Eminence Archbishop Makarios was clearly convinced that the new Archdiocesan Vicar will meet not only his own personal expectations, but also those of the Church and the local Greek Orthodox flock. “He is an exceptional clergyman and good theologian, with administrative qualifications, who has all the prerequisites to serve the people with much love and great self-sacrifice”, he noted among other things and wished for God to give him strength for the new ministry that he undertakes.
Furthermore, he conveyed to Fr Prochoros the best wishes of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who shared the same views and who gave the blessing for the decision to promote Canberra to an Archiepiscopal District, gaining the position it deserves, the Archbishop characteristically emphasised. “Do not forget that you are here to witness to Christ, to give testimony to the Church and to represent our Ecumenical Patriarchate, our Patriarch, and your Archbishop”, he added addressing Fr Prochoros, while the faithful were enthusiastically exclaiming for Patriarch Bartholomew and the Archbishop, “Axios” – may they be worthy.
Earlier during the festive Divine Liturgy, His Eminence elevated Fr George Karpis to the rank of Protopresbyter, expressing his fervent gratitude for his many years of service to the Parish of St Nicholas in Canberra.
During his address to the faithful, the Archbishop also made special mention of the President of the Greek Community, Mr John Loukadellis, acknowledging that he is a young man who works very hard, with self-sacrifice and in a spirit of collaboration. Thanking him for his outstanding cooperation with the clergy of the Parish, he provided his personal assurance that he will always be by the side of the Community and the Greek people of Canberra, for whatever they may need.
Finally, His Eminence Makarios acknowledged the presence of political representatives in church. The Archbishop was particularly moved upon his arrival at the parish to officiate during Matins, that he was greeted at the door by the Assistant Minister for Finance and Senator for the Australian Capital Territory, the Honorable Zed Seselja, who welcomed the Archbishop on behalf of the Prime Minister of Australia, Mr Scott Morrison. The Minister said specifically, “I cannot stay until the end of today’s celebratory service but I came, even for a short while, to convey the wishes of the nation’s Prime Minister and to welcome you to the Australian Capital on his behalf and that of the Australian Government.” His Eminence thanked the Minister and asked him to convey his best wishes and gratitude to the Prime Minister.
It must be noted that during the Divine Liturgy, Ms Tara Cheyne, Minister for Human Rights, Multicultural Affairs and Business, and the Greek Federal MPs Ms Maria Vamvakinou and Mr Steve Georganas from Victoria and Adelaide respectively, were also present. His Eminence warmly thanked them for their constant support for the Greek community and the Holy Archdiocese and, especially, for the clear position they took on the issue of condemning the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque.
It is further noted that also present for the feast of St Nicholas were the Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic, Mr George Papacostas; the High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus, Mrs Martha Mavrommatis; and the Ambassador of Austria, Mr Wolfgang Lukas Strohmayer, who is of Greek descent.
