13 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia – Archdiocesan District of Perth: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Repose of Saint Nektarios in WA


The faithful of Perth commemorated the 100th anniversary of the repose of Saint Nektarios, bishop of Pentapolis, at the Church of Saint Nektarios on Monday the 9th of November.

The liturgical celebrations commenced with the Hierarchical Vespers Service on the eve of the feast and continued the following day with the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy presided by His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyaneon.

In His sermon, His Grace emphasised how Saint Nektarios was constantly being persecuted and falsely accused by both clergy and laity who were envious of him. However Saint Nektarios never stopped showing love and forgiveness to those who slandered him and never lost his personal peace.

The Greek Consul in Perth, Mrs Georgia Karasiotis, and the Principal, staff and students of St Andrew’s Grammar together with parishioners from all the parishes in Perth came together to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the repose of St Nektarios. At the conclusion of the service a procession of the icon and relics of the saint also took place inside the church.
Finally His Grace passed on to all the blessing and love of Archbishop Makarios.

The official luncheon for the feast day of St Nektarios will be taking place on Sunday 15 November which happens to also be the first day of the 40 day Christmas Lenten Fast.
