26 Νοεμβρίου, 2020

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia – Archdiocesan District of Perth: Trisagion Service for Archbishop Stylianos of blessed memory


Today is the Feast Day of Saint Stylianos and at the Church of Saints Constantine and Helene in Northbridge a Trisagion Service was conducted by His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyaneon for Archbishop Stylianos, former Archbishop of Australia.

Archbishop Stylianos steered the Church of Australia for 44 years and His greatest achievement was to establish Saint Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College which is a Tertiary Institution under the Sydney College of Divinity.

Archbishop Stylianos lectured His Grace at the Theological College in Systematic Theology, Ecclesiology and Introduction to Theology and later in 2007 ordained His Grace into the Diaconate.

In Sydney on Wednesday night at the Vespers Service of Saint Stylianos at Gymea, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia made a moving gesture asking the faithful to visit the cemetery and to light a candle for Archbishop Stylianos at His grave on the day of His name day.

Eternal be His Memory


