24 Ιανουαρίου, 2021

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia: The Cutting of the Vasilopita for 2021 in Adelaide


On the evening of January 17th, the Archdiocesan District of Adelaide held its annual Cutting of the Vasilopita service. Delayed by two weeks this year (due to unavoidable circumstances), the service nonetheless went ahead and was extremely well attended. The service was hosted at the Archdiocesan District of Adelaide’s central offices in Glenelg and presided by His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, with the clergy of the District and the Consul-General of Greece in Adelaide Mr George Psiachas in attendance.

His Grace encouraged the faithful to remain in the Church this year (and indeed throughout our lives), safe from the “wolves that wait to pounce on us outside” (St. John Chrysostom). Citing also St Paul, His Grace exhorted us to “abhor what is evil, cling to what is good” (Romans 12:9).

As has been the custom, the children of our Archdiocese performed some Christmas Carols in Greek and English, ably led by Fr Konstantinos Skoumbourdis from the parish of St George. The children’s bright and enthusiastic voices were a welcome extension to the Christmas season, just as the festive feeling was beginning to fade into the normal routine of the new year.

The prayerful evening concluded with the chanting of His Eminence’s feme, a heartfelt response to the blessings and prayers that were conveyed to all on behalf of our primate and Father in Christ, Archbishop Makarios of Australia.


