22 Δεκεμβρίου, 2020

Greek state seeks Church’s support for upcoming Covid-19 vaccination campaign


The Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, His Beatitude Ieronymos, on Tuesday received Greek Health Minister Vassilis Kikilias at the Archdiocese of Athens.
The latter requested the Church’s support in a public awareness campaign regarding the upcoming mass vaccinations against the Covid-19 virus.

Archbishop Ieronymos expressed his satisfaction and praised the country’s health care professionals for their daily struggle against the effects of the pandemic.

His Beatitude also referred to cooperation with the Greek state in the vaccination campaign, underlining that he would like to be among the first to be vaccinated, something, however, prohibited by his attending physicians due to his recent health problems. Nevertheless, he said a Church hierarch will be present during the first day of the campaign in order to receive a vaccination, in a symbolic act by the Church of Greece.

Finally, the Archbishop extended his best wishes so that all of the faithful may celebrate Christmas properly next year.

fotos : Christos Bonis
