12 Ιανουαρίου, 2020

HG Bishop Ioan Casian urges to pray for the victims of the tragic event of the UIA 752 crash in Tehran


With great sadness, the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada became aware of the recent tragic event of the UIA 752 crash that took place on January 8, 2020 near Tehran, carrying 176 passengers out of which 63 were Canadian citizens from the provinces: British-Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.

Among the victims were not citizens of Romanian origin.

His Grace Ioan Casian urges the clergy and faithful of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada to be close with all those affected by this tragedy, regardless of nationality, through prayer and concrete help.

“We are in a time of the year when Christians receive the light of grace sprung from the Holy Water consecrated through the baptism of Christ the Savior in Jordan”.

“By blessing the home of every Christian, as is the tradition in this period, the grace of salvation, together with the Person of the Son of God, enter into the homes and the hearts of all who receive them. This tragedy of the 176 victims, including 63 Canadians, comes to darken our joy”.

“Christians are in solidarity with the entire creation and with all human persons because Christ has come to sanctify the waters of the Jordan for the salvation of all. The waters of the whole earth are sanctified by the holiness of Christ’s baptism”.

“This holiness overflows and manifests its effects everywhere in a visible or invisible way. Christians shares in sadness with all those who suffer from similar events, such as the crash of UIA 752 flight, strengthened in the hope of the eternal life they received from Christ”.

“Let us also pray, clergy and faithful of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada, during this time that the Good God may bring relief to the affected families, protect the remnant and dispel all the suffering, sadness and pain of their souls. We also pray that the God of love and mercy will give rest to those who fell asleep”, said the Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Canada.

His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian urges the clergy and the faithful of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada to light candles in memory of those who fell asleep.


— Source: basilica.ro / Photography courtesy of freepik.com
