29 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019

His Beatitude Patriarch John X received His Eminence Christophoros, the Metropolitan of Amman


His Beatitude Patriarch John X received His Eminence Christophoros, the Metropolitan of Amman delegated by His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilus III, on December 28, 2019 at the Patriarchate in Damascus. His Eminence Theophilus delivered a message regarding a meeting in Amman by the heads of the Orthodox Churches with the aim of “preserving the Orthodox unity”, a unity broken by the Ukrainian crisis.

In this regard, Patriarch John X reaffirmed the firm position of the Antiochian Church announced by the Holy Antiochian Synod, which calls for the necessity of a meeting ΣΥΝΑΞΗ of the heads of the local Orthodox Churches, so that all Orthodox Churches collaborate in solving Orthodox issues.


— Source: facebook.com/antiochpatriarchate.org
