19 Ιουνίου, 2024

His Eminence Metropolitan Apostolos of New Jersey Celebrates Feast of Our Lord at Ascension Greek Orthodox Church in Fairview, NJ


On Thursday, June 13, 2024, His Eminence Metropolitan Apostolos of New Jersey celebrated the Feastday of the Ascension of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at the Ascension Greek Orthodox Church in Fairview, New Jersey. Joining His Eminence, prayerfully in the Holy Altar, was His Grace Bishop Ignatios of Madagascar, who is visiting the United States from his Diocese in Africa. Following the Divine Liturgy the community hosted a luncheon reception in honor of the parish feastday and the Archpastoral visit of their Chief Shepherd. His Eminence thanked the proistamenos, the Rev. Protopresbyter Christos Pappas, and all the members of the community for their hospitality, their faith, and their dedication to our Church.

Photos courtesy of Metropolis of New Jersey.

