22 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019

His Eminence Metropolitan Myron of New Zealand issues Christmas Encyclical 2019


His Eminence Metropolitan Myron of New Zealand has released this year’s Christmas Encyclical. Read the full text below:


To the Holy Clergy, the Monastic Brotherhood, and the pious People of our Holy Metropolis

Encyclical Christmas 2019

Beloved siblings and children in Christ.
By the Grace of God we have come to the end of the blessed period of prayer and fasting that began 40 days preceding the feast of the Birth of Christ, and now we have been blessed to celebrate the great event of the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. A historical event that took place in a humble manger in Bethlehem more than 2019 years ago marking the beginning of our salvation.
Before the birth of our Lord into this world, wearied mankind was in the grip of matter and time. Everything sprang from the I, the here, and the now. Mans’ only aim was the material and the ephemeral. Death was his only prospect in life. And then- not just then, but also today, now, and at every moment- an event takes place that is so grand, so compelling, so shocking, so unique and so magnificent that changes everything.
“…the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”! A great miracle! The miracle of miracles!
The Word of God is born of the Virgin Mary the Theotokos. The order of nature is defeated.
In the one unique Theanthropic individual, in the one hypostasis of the Word, there exist two natures- the divine and the human, co-existing perfectly, without confusion, and indivisible. Incomprehensible and perplexing for our limited human logic
The Angels and Archangels, witnessing this great miracle sang praise to God chanting: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” The Prophets prophesised Him, the star shone and led the way to Him, the wise men worshiped Him, the shepherds proclaimed Him, Joseph protected Him, the Theotokos Virgin Mary rejoiced over Him, the terrible Herod was bothered by Him, the Chief priests, the Scribes and the people knew Him through Scripture, and the hearts of each one of us beats faster as we express our feelings of joy and gratitude for Him.
God becomes man so that man can realise his ultimate potential. God becomes man so that man can regain the beauty in which God had originally created him in. God becomes man so that once again He could give man the prospect of eternal Paradise. God becomes man so that man can be lifted up from being created in His image towards becoming like Him. God by nature voluntarily becomes man so that man can by Grace become god.
Now then, we know our true God and Creator. Now then, we know the true purpose of our existence, which is none other than Emmanuel –God is with us- that in this present life we are aware of God’s truths and the life to come in eternal blessedness. Now then, we know that we were created for Heaven and eternal life. Now then, we know that we can overcome the corruption of death through the power of the incarnation of the Only-begotten Son and Word of God. He willingly took on the flesh and bones, the soul, the will, and the desires of man, and in doing so He purified, redeemed, sanctified, and raised them, so that we may commune with Him, through the holy Sacraments of His Church, and the daily struggle of repentance and asceticism, His Divinity! Things that are inconceivable for the minds of both humans and Angels!
It is up to us to accept the gifts that Emmanuel, our Newly born Lord, is offering to us. Let us entreat Him to give us the strength to stretch out our hand to receive them, to ask for them, to ask for Him! He who gave us life. He who even though we have forgotten Him, denied Him, and saddened Him with our unrepentant sinfulness has not denied His love for us, giving us, by taking on our flesh and becoming man the prospect of purification, salvation, sanctification and eternal life and blessedness.
Many years to all of you my beloved, full of the light of Christ our Saviour born in Bethlehem!

With His love and wholehearted blessings,

Your Metropolitan,

+ MYRON of New Zealand

Wellington, Christmas 2019.
