23 Απριλίου, 2024

His Grace Bishop Neofitos of Eldoret in Northern Kenya Visits the Metropolis of Atlanta


His Grace Bishop Neofitos of Eldoret in Northern Kenya (Patriarchate of Alexandria) is visiting the United States to raise awareness and material support for the missionary work in his diocese, which includes building the diocesan center, funding clergy, digging wells for water-deprived regions, establishing and improving children’s homes, schools, and clinics, and other such vital work in addition to Orthodox liturgical life, outreach, and catechism.

His Grace has spent this visit in the Metropolis of Atlanta—in Atlanta itself; Birmingham, AL; Charlotte, NC; Columbia, SC; and Boca Raton, FL. These photos are from part of his visit to the community of St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church in Charlotte, NC, on Sunday, April 14, after first having spent time with the local Holy Trinity Cathedral and St. Luke communities.

St. Nektarios clergy pictured are Fr. Andreas G. Houpos (proistamenos) and Fr. Panayiotis Steele (ephemerios).

Photos: St. Nektarios Charlotte, NC

