23 Νοεμβρίου, 2018

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, attended the celebration of the Day of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts


The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts marked on 19th November 2018 its Day by introducing new correspondent members, by opening Audiovisual Archive and the Center for digitalization as well as a permanent exhibition of the collection of the Medal Cabinet of the SASA Archive.

The marking of the Day of SASA was attended by Patriarch Irinej; Mr. Mladen Sarcevic, Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development; Mr. VladanVukosavljevic, Minister of Culture and Information; and Dr. ZlatiborLoncar, Minister of Health; members of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska; rectors of universities; representatives of embassies, institutions of culture and science and religious communities.

The Audiovisual Archive and the Center for digitalization have a task to keep and represent the entire cultural, art and scientific heritage. They are located in 850 square meters; 700,000 Euros were invested for the most advanced equipment. The first task will be digitalization of the correspondence of the Serbian orthography reformer and translator of the New Testament into Serbian (1847) Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic, and thereupon digitalization of the artistic collection of SASA in which there are 3500 art objects, old and rare books, and all that is of cultural-historic value preserved in the Library of SASA, which altogether amounts to 15,000 bibliographic units.
