21/12/2020 21/12/2020 “Today our Church celebrates St Ignatios the God-bearer. The tradition says that he was the child that Christ held in his arms and said to everyone “If you do not become like this child, you will not inherit eternal life”. “What do the children possess that we don’t, and why can they enter the Kingdom...
21 Δεκεμβρίου, 2020 - 16:10

How to become like children and enter more easily the Kingdom of God?

How to become like children and enter more easily the Kingdom of God?

“Today our Church celebrates St Ignatios the God-bearer. The tradition says that he was the child that Christ held in his arms and said to everyone “If you do not become like this child, you will not inherit eternal life”.
“What do the children possess that we don’t, and why can they enter the Kingdom of God easily, and we can’t? One thing that came in mind is how much the children trust their parents. They will not worry about what they will eat tomorrow, or what happened yesterday, but they will trust the mother and the father. And I was wondering, do we trust God? Do we believe that we should leave ourselves in God’s hands, and do we do so?
“What else do the children have that we don’t? When they see their parents, they are jumping for joy, they are very happy, and this happiness comes from the love they have for their parents. Do we love God? Are we happy when we see God, when we come in communion with him? Are we happy when we go to Church? Are we happy when we pray?
“Once, someone asked a young boy to trust God and see God as his Father. And he said, “how can I see God as a Father when I never had a father in my life?” What responsibility do we have for the future of our children! If our children have no experience of love within the family, they will have trust issues, they won’t be able to trust their fellow people, and they won’t be able to trust God. So, basically they will also have faith issues.
“May St Ignatios help us all to become more like children in order for all of us to inherit eternal life.”

– Bishop Emilianos of Meloa

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