16 Νοεμβρίου, 2019

Husi Bishop says we should be addicted to the Bible like we are to our smartphones


‘It would be wonderful if the dependence on the word of God were at least directly proportional to the addiction to our smartphone,’ wrote Wednesday His Grace Bishop Ignatie of Husi on his Instagram account marking the Bible Day.

He stressed that we are in ‘the age of word inflation,’ an inflation which lacks the word of Scripture and that is why society is always ‘in restlessness, conflict and much division.’

‘Why? Because it is no longer infused, vitaminized by the word of Scripture, which has a lot of quietude, peace, and unity in its inner fabric.’

‘Why? Because it was uttered by Jesus Christ the incarnate Word Who is our very Quietude, Peace and Unity.’

Regarding technology, His Grace added that “an authentic Christian, when constantly and thoroughly nourished by the word of Scripture, learns, in a natural way, to relate extremely cautiously and wisely to technology, putting it in the service of faith and of his human dignity.”

“I mean, the Bible to become the true technology of our being,” concluded Bishop Ignatie.

— Source: basilica.ro | Photography courtesy of Doxologia / Tudorel Rusu
