25 Νοεμβρίου, 2018

I am sure the Romanian Orthodox Church will be involved in preserving church unity: Ecumenical Patriarch


On Saturday, His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew addressed the members of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church gathered in solemn session at the Patriarchal Residence in Bucharest expressing his hope that ‘the Romanian Orthodox Church will be involved in preserving church unity and justice.’


The solemn session of the Holy Synod was opened by Patriarch Daniel who warmly welcomed the Ecumenical Patriarch, the Patra Metropolitan and their accompanying delegations.


‘On this blessed occasion, we wish to express our appreciation for the good cooperation between the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Romanian Orthodox Church, both in the preparation and the works during the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church in Crete, as well as in other international inter-Orthodox and inter-Christian meetings,’ the Patriarch of Romania said Nov. 24.


In his speech, His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew referred to the conciliar tradition of the Church and to several aspects related to the history of the Romanian Orthodox Church.


The main topics of the Ecumenical Patriarch’s address included the Holy and Great Council and Patriarch Daniel’s contribution to its success, Church situation of Ukraine, and the consecration of the Romanian People’s Salvation Cathedral.


Synodal tradition of the Church

‘We are here, in this Sacred Synodal Hall, the place where we honour the tradition of the Holy Apostles and of the Holy Fathers, as well as the conciliarity of the Church’s hierarchical organization, according to the apostolic tradition and command.’


The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople reminded that this is the place where, “through the work of the Holy Spirit, decisions are made which deal with the problems of the church life of the Autocephalous Church of Romania, its relations with the other sister Churches and the entire Christian world.”


‘We take this opportunity to honour all those who have honoured in the past and those who honour today these desks in the Synodal Hall of the Romanian Orthodox Church, with a high sense of responsibility before our Archpastor and Judge Jesus Christ and before His Church, by holding fast to those that have been handed over to us by the Holy Apostles, the Holy Fathers and the Sacred Canons, with genuine church wisdom, with canonical continuity and with unlimited love for humankind.’


Holy and Great Council

Concerning the Holy and Great Council, the Ecumenical Patriarch said that “there really was a historical moment in which Orthodoxy passed a faith test on the evangelical truth of the Church as the Body of Christ and the synodal tradition.”


‘Your Beatitude’s personal involvement in the historical achievement of the Holy and Great Council, your theological and dogmatic knowledge, as well as your way of honest, intelligent, brilliant and skilled way of participation at every stage, in collaboration with the other Primates, made everything to have a wonderful and invaluable conclusion.’


Church situation in Ukraine

Regarding the church situation in Ukraine, His Holiness expressed his hope that ‘the Romanian Orthodox Church will get involved in preserving church unity and righteousness.’


Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew said that in order to solve this church matter ‘another sacrificial chenosis of the mother heart of the Church of Constantinople is needed for the benefit of many millions of believers.’


‘We have hope in God’s help that the process of unification of the divided groups will soon end, in order to proceed to the convening and issuing of the Patriarchal and Synodal Tomos of the Church of Ukraine, thus becoming the newest Autocephalous Sister Church.’


Consecration of National Cathedral

Finally, the Ecumenical Patriarch referred to the historic event of the consecration of the National Cathedral.


‘We will be fellow Primates and concelebrants at this newly-founded altar and we will partake of the same Holy Chalice of salvation and eternal life, where our deep unity in Christ is crowned, to the joy of heaven and earth.’


‘Christ is in our midst in all the days of our lives, and unto the ages of ages,’ His Holiness said ending his speech.



