16 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

Iasi Archdiocese to build Saint Emilia Maternity Home


The Orthodox Archdiocese of Iași wants to start the construction of a new maternity home dedicated to Saint Emilia, the mother of Saint Basil the Great, reads a report issued by the Archdiocese’s Press Office.

The establishment of the new maternity home was listed among the Archdiocese’s objectives for 2021 during the Archdiocesan Assembly on February 13. The meeting took place at Dr Iustin Moisescu Hall of the Archdiocesan Centre in Iasi under the chairmanship of His Eminence Metropolitan Teofan of Moldavia and Bukovina.

During the Assembly, the members examined, evaluated and approved the 2020 reports of the sectors of the Archdiocese.

Other major projects for 2021 include:


basilica.ro / Photography courtesy of Raluca Ene
