01 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019

Immunization program by Uganda Orthodoo Medical Bureau with Support from XM Group from Cyprus


The Uganda Orthodox Medical Bureau with generous support from XM Group from Cyprus has been conducting a free periodical immunization program against Hepatitis B and Cervical cancer in women of the reproductive ages.

The program was first carried out between 26th and 30th October 2019 with the first shots then a repeat of the same after exactly one month that is, 26th and 30th November. The third shot upcoming after 6months, in march 2020.

This has been carried out in various Orthodox Medical centers and Communities under the supervision of the Medical bureau with the Coordination of the Consulate of Cyprus Mr. Aristotelis and Fr. Antonios Mutyaba the Parish Priest of St. Antonios Orthodox Parish Monde.

Great thanks go to UOMB Team led by Dr. Sande George and XM team led by Ms. Constatinos Stylianos and Dr. Argyris the pediatrician from Cyprus.

The Bureau and the Orthodox Church in Uganda wish to appreciate XM group from Cyprus for this humanitarian support and invite other development partners to join us in improving the provision of Health Services in the different Health Centers and Communities.


— Source: uomb.online
